社団法人 物理探査学会


本研究では,噴火等の火山活動に伴う災害の軽減に繋がる研究の一環として,伊豆諸島の1つで,東京都の火山島である神津島の地表変動を干渉SAR 解析(SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar,合成開口レーダー)によって把握することを目的とした.具体的には,長期的な地表変動の特徴把握と,個々の地殻活動と地表変動との関連性に関する検討を実施した.なお,神津島では,周辺水域の変色等が観測されている.これは,火山火口海底部からの噴出物が原因である可能性があることから,地殻活動の1つとして周辺水域の変色を取り上げ,変色が観測された時期の神津島における地表変動を干渉SAR解析により把握し,それらの関連性を検討した.

As a part of the research leading to the prevention of the disaster accompanying the volcanic activity such as eruption, we researched the surface change of Kozusima Island which is the volcanic island, one of the Izu Islands, by SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar) interferometry analysis. Specifically, we examined the characteristics of long-term ground movement and the relationship between individual crustal activity and surface change. In Kozushima Island, discoloration in the surrounding water area are observed. This is the ejecta from the seabed of the volcanic crater may be the cause. For this reason, we considered this phenomenon as one of the crustal activity, analyzed the ground change in Kozushima Island at the time when discoloration was observed using SAR interferometry analysis and examined the relationship between them. In addition, the ownership of data of PALSAR-2 used for SAR interferometry analysis in this research is in Ministry of Economy and JAXA. These data are shared by PIXEL (PALSAR interferometry Consortium to Study our Evolving Land surface), and are provided by JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) under a collaborative research agreement between JAXA and the Tokyo University of Earthquake Research Institute.