講演要旨(和文) | P-Cableシステムは,2001年の最初の実証試験の成功以来,そして特に2010年の商業システムの発売以降,幅広い分野で利用され,約80事例の学術および商業調査における4,000km2以上の現地測定実績を通じて継続的に改良されてきた.現在ではP-Cableは,卓越した高分解能を有する独創的な三次元海上地震探査システムとして,多くの研究機関や石油会社から認識され,報告されている.本稿では,その実用的な特徴と得られる三次元イメージに関して,石油貯留槽の特性評価のみならず,ガスハイドレート,断層,CCSあるいは海底地盤災害リスク調査といった幅広い分野での適用事例を通じて検証し,確認する. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | Since its first successful concept test in 2001, especially after the market launch of its commercial system in 2010, P-cable has been widely used and continuously improved through around 80 different academic and commercial programs with a total of more than 4,000km2 of data acquisition. P-Cable is now recognized and reported by several research organizations and oil companies as a unique 3D marine seismic acquisition system with unmatched ultra-high resolution. Practical characteristics of the system and its resolution of 3D images are reviewed and confirmed through several real applications including oil reservoir characterizations as well as gas hydrate, fault, CCS and geo-hazard risk studies. |
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