SEGJ Technical Conference

Attempt to Estimate Permeability of Granite Rock based on Geophysical Exploration Data

It is known that the fracture distribution in the bedrock has a great influence on the groundwater flow, and it is necessary to understand its characteristics in resource exploration. In this study, the permeability of rocks deep in the underground was estimated from rock physics model from the resistivity and elastic constant obtained by geophysical exploration for understanding macroscopic hydraulic characteristics of bedrock including fracture. Resistivity and Young's modulus were measured in the underground research gallery of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, Japan Atomic Energy Agency in 2017. Porosity and clay content were estimated from both by applying modified Archie's law for resistivity and Voigt-Reuss-Hill equation for Young's modulus. Furthermore, the permeability was estimated assuming a flat crack model. The permeability was measured in 2015 in this exposed bedrock, when comparing the estimated permeability with the measured value in this study. When comparing the permeability estimate value with the actual measurement value, it was found that the two showed roughly good match and the estimated value within one order.