講演要旨(和文) | 近年,新たな鉱物資源として海底熱水鉱床に注目が集まっている.その効果的な探査には小型探査装置の開発が求められる.そこで本研究では自律型無人潜水機(AUV)に搭載する海洋TEM探査装置の開発を進めている.AUVにループを展開することで短時間でのデータ収集を実現する.今回はその前段階として海洋TEMの1Dシミュレーションを行なった.結論では,電流遮断後の磁場の減衰を捉えるためのサンプリング周波数などに言及した. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | Attention has recently been paid to ocean bottom hydrothermal deposits as new mineral resources. In order to detect metal ores effectively, a mobile electromagnetic survey equipment has been required. Therefore, we are developing marine TEM equipment for mounting on autonomous mobile vehicle (AUV). By mounting the coincident loop on AUV, collecting seabed data can be achieved in a shorter time. Before designing the survey equipment, 1D simulation of marine TEM was conducted to know the dynamic range of electromagnetic response. TEM is an electromagnetic method that uses a transient response after current shutdown. When the current is cut at transmitter, induced current flows to prevent the magnetic field from changing. Some example of marine TEM simulation are shown in this paper for marine TEM equipment. |
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