

Differentiating brittle from ductile in low permeability formation is key to evaluate the potential effectiveness of hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation. The two most commonly used brittleness estimation techniques, brittleness average and brittleness index (BI) based on mineralogy are applied on quartz rich Sembar shale. However, these two measures provide conflicting estimates and do not correlate reasonably well in the vertical section of Sembar shale. We, thereby used elastic logs measured in the same well to generate a correlation between elastic and petrophysical properties, and modified Perez and Marfurt (2013) concept to design the brittleness templates based on mineralogy, TOC, and porosity in our area. We hope that our proposed brittleness templates will provide some understandings by classifying the shale in brittle, less brittle, less ductile and ductile to make the applicability of hydraulic fracture design more feasible.