社団法人 物理探査学会


廃棄物埋立層内の水みちを把握することは,処分場内の安定化を進める観点からも,処分場周辺への環境汚染を防止する観点からも極めて重要である. 本研究では、内陸谷埋め方式の廃棄物処分場における浸透流(水みち)のモニタリングに向けて、模擬埋立層および最終処分場埋立地を対象とした比抵抗探査を実施した。  具体的には埋立層上部から水を注入しながら、比抵抗探査を繰り返し行うことで、埋立層内の比抵抗モニタリングを行った。取得した比抵抗データに対して差分インバージョンを行うことで、比抵抗変化率プロファイルを作成し、水の拡散状況と比抵抗の経時変化の関係を検討した。

We measured resistivity in an experimental tank and in a landfill, in order to make clear the water path in fills. This paper covers their results. We prepared a simulated fills consisting mainly of incinerator ash in a rectangular tank. We poured water into the simulated fills and measured resistivity repeatedly at 15 to 20 minutes intervals. Three dimensional inverse analysis was applied to the apparent resistivity data and 3-D profiles were obtained. Differential profiles were calculated by using the method of Difference inversion. As a result, it was clarified that the decreasing zone of resistivity was expanding concentrically and the rate of resistivity change was increasing as water poured. Furthermore, the above methods were applied for the landfills and their results were also examined.