SEGJ Technical Conference

Analysis of Electrical Survey in Shallow Seafloor CO2 Release Test (QICS), UK

In 2012 a total of 4.2 tons of CO2 was released for 37 days at a maximum flow rate of 210 kg/d at about 12m below the about 10 m deep seafloor at Ardmucknish Bay near Oban in UK. From the electrical resistivity survey, it was found that positive anomaly of the resistivity structure obtained in the 2012 CO2 release test compared to the structure in the 2016 background measurement distributed near a CO2 leakage area on the sea floor. The self-potential (SP) variation measured during the CO2 release test showed that SP increased at all measurement points when CO2 flow rate increased and larger SP anomaly distributed near the CO2 leakage area.