講演要旨(和文) | 海底熱水鉱床の存在が明らかになっている伊是名海穴において自然電位および比抵抗探査を実施した.計測方法は,笠谷他(2015)による曳航式電気探査装置である.その結果,白嶺サイトと呼ばれる海底熱水鉱床域では,明瞭な自然電位の負異常が観測されたとともに,海水の比抵抗よりも低比抵抗の値が得られた.この結果から本探査法が,海底熱水鉱床分布域の絞り込みに極めて有効であることが確かめられた. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | Self-potential and resistivity explorations in the Izena Hole, which is located on the mid Okinawa trough, are investigated by a deep towed resistivity method designed by Kasaya et al. (2015). Rremarkable negative anomalies of self-potential and low apparent resistivity anomalies compared with the specific resistivity of seawater were observed in the hydrothermal deposit area called Hakurei site. From these results, it was confirmed that this exploration method is extremely effective in narrowing down the hydrothermal deposit area. |
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