講演要旨(和文) | MT法の時系列データに含まれるノイズを低減し,滑らかなインピーダンス分布を求めるため,ケプストラム解析を使ったデータ処理法を提案した.このデータ処理法を九州大学伊都キャンパス内で取得したMTデータに適用した.その結果,フーリエ変換で求めた乱雑な見掛比抵抗曲線に比べて,滑らかで連続した見掛比抵抗曲線を得ることができた.また今回の研究の主目的ではないが,フーリエ変換を使った通常の方法でも,相乗平均を使うことである程度ノイズを低減できることもわかった. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | Magnetotelluric method is an electromagnetic method for deep subsurface exploration using a perturbation of natural electromagnetic field. The most serious problem of MT data analysis at a surrounding region of urban area is to reduce a heavy noise from observed data. A new approach to reduce a heavy noise of time series data is presented in this paper. The cepstrum analysis was used to remove a noise from raw MT data which was observed at Ito campus of Kyushu University. As a result of experiment using field data, it was found that cepstrum analysis was effective to get smooth MT impedance after removing a noise of MT data. |
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