講演要旨(和文) | 2015年11月から,斜面の岩塊の上下に取り付けたふたつの振動計の記録を遠隔地に24時間連続で送信し,落石安定性のモニタリングを行っている.落石の振動特性からその安定性を評価する「落石危険度振動調査法」を適用し,同手法の成熟化を目指している.前報では,厳寒期の安定性増大,温暖化による不安定化等を報告した.引き続き,梅雨の降水量増大時,夏の高温乾燥期の安定性の変動を報告する.さらに,主な振動源である自動車振動と評価指標の関係,振動軌跡の変動について報告する. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | We have developed a method to assess rock-fall risk by comparing vibrations of a loosened rock block with that on the base rock.Since November in 2015, we have been monitoring vibration characteristics for a rock block partially embedded near surface of steep natural slope in Nagano prefecture. The rock block stabilization in cold winter and unstabilization in warmer season was reported by previous report. We report a fluctuation of stability in a high temperature season and at the time of an amount of rainfall rise in the rainy season. And we report on the car vibration which is more main vibration source and particle motion of the rock block. |
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