講演要旨(和文) | 石油や地熱などの地下流体のモニタリング探査法として流体流動電磁法が近年研究されている.この方法では,地下の流体によって引き起こされる電磁場の変化を測定して地下流体の動的挙動を把握する.本研究では,流体流動電磁法の基礎実験を行うために小型の計測装置を開発した.この小型計測装置を用いて,九州大学内の生物多様性ゾーンにおいて,5成分の電磁場の測定を約13時間連続で実施した.その結果,電磁場の緩やかな時間変化を測定することができた. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | Fluid flow electromagnetic method is the geophysical method which is used to monitor the dynamic behavior of subsurface fluid flow. In this method, three components of magnetic field and two components of electric field are measured simultaneously. In order to measure electromagnetic field that is related to subsurface fluid flow, new measurement equipment was developed. Five components of electromagnetic field are measured simultaneously in Ito campus of Kyushu University to evaluate the new equipment. As the results, transient change of electromagnetic field during 13 hours was measured. The examples of measurement data are shown in this paper. |
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