社団法人 物理探査学会

福島県の広帯域リニアアレイで観測された常時微動の地震波干渉法解析 その3 水平動の解析


The purpose of this study is to conducted a broadband linear array observation with 10 sites in Fukushima Prefecture in order to estimate deep crustal structures down to the plate boundary based on the seismic interferometry analysis. In this study radial and transverse cross-correlation functions were calculated from observed horizontal records of microtremors and group velocities were calculated from the estimated cross-correlation functions. Both of the radial cross-correlation functions and the transverse ones showed wave-propagation characteristics. SN ratios and group velocities were estimated as a function of periods by applying multiple filter analysis to stacked cross-correlation functions. From the comparison between the group velocity of RR and one of TT, the velocity of TT was larger than one of RR at periods of more than 5 s. From a comparison between the observed group velocities and calculated ones by Nishida's Vs model, observed group velocities were smaller than calculated ones.