社団法人 物理探査学会


地形データと測定重力偏差データについて深部起因の重力的影響を減衰・浅部の影響を抽出するHGGS法フィルター処理を行い,それらのMoving Window相関解析から直接表層密度を算出する方法を考案した。大霧地熱発電所近傍のデータ解析事例では有意な結果が得られた。低密度分布地域は,概ね変質帯に整合する一方,高密度分布地域が錆河川及び銀湯断層の間に分布し,断層形成に貫入岩や溶岩の関与が示唆される。

The horizontal gravity gradient stack (HGGS), is proposed for the assessment of surface density, and the method is applied with the filtering the horizontal gravity gradient data (Data). The comparison between the HGGS filtered acquired Data and the equivalent calculated response of DEM based surface layer is analyzed for calculation of the surface average density by the moving window correlation (MWC) methods. Its application to the actually acquired Data around the Ogiri geothermal plant in the western Japan is analyzed, and its results fit adequately well for the existing hydrothermal alteration zones as the low surface density area, and the possible prominent distributions of intrusions and lava as the high surface density area.