SEGJ Technical Conference

1-D modeling of TEM method considering IP effect

Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) is an electromagnetic-geophysical method in which electric and magnetic fields are induced by transient pulses of electric current and the subsequent decay response measured to understand the electrical subsurface structures. The purpose of this study is to present the developed inversion program for TEM data with IP (induced polarization) effect. In this paper various simulation cases for different models are performed. The results of (E/I) ratio show negative values in late-time (10-2s to 10s) when TEM method is applied for low resistivity materials. This phenomenon is caused by IP effect, which influences the accuracy and investigation depth of TEM data. In the calculation process, m(chargeability), t(time constant), c(exponent) and p(complex resistivity) were included. These four parameters are essential in measuring TEM data with IP effect.