SEGJ Technical Conference

CMP processing of dense 3D data sets of ground-penetrating radar

Current ground-penetrating radar (GPR) can simultaneously scan on multi-survey lines with high speed of cars. We discuss effects and important tips to apply 3D processing to GPR data. Offset distances used for processing are discussed and we suggest the nearest distance between corners of two antennas has a possibility to be the optimum distance. CMP records with far offset have low s/n signals for shallow targets. We acquired multi-channel GPR records on a road with a slight slope in PWRI. Reflections from a basement are clearly identified in the sections. Finally, we determined the velocity of 0.08 m/ns is fine for imaging. We applied CMP stacking processing and identified that the continuity of the reflection event and wave form is improved. 3D processing for multi-channel GPR has high possibility to improve the resolution of GPR imaging.