社団法人 物理探査学会

地熱貯留層探査技術フィールド実証試験 ―山川地熱地域における3次元弾性波探査―


An experimental three-dimensional (3-D) seismic survey was conducted by JOGMEC in the Yamagawa geothermal field, Kagoshima, Japan. The 3-D seismic method reduces geological risks and increases success rates in drilling. However, many of geothermal fields in Japan exist in the mountainous area. Seismic surveys might suffer from a rough topography and complicated geological structure. Since effectiveness and cost of a seismic survey in Japanese geothermal area were the centers of the discussion, the Yamagawa 3-D survey took the following approaches. First, high-density 3-D data were collected to show proper images of the geothermal reservoir. Second, several subsets with different survey designs were extracted and their images were compared to determine the relative cost-effectiveness.