講演要旨(和文) | 地下水流動を考える上で,沿岸域から浅海域にわたる地下構造およびその堆積環境を知る事は非常に重要である.しかしながら,物理探査データの取得を考えた場合,沿岸域〜浅海域にかけての領域は陸域・海域双方からのデータ取得が困難であるため,物理探査データの空白域となっていることが多い.産総研では,沿岸域での調査評価技術に着目し,沿岸域海底下の特徴的な地質環境の調査評価手法の高度化開発を行うことを目的とした研究開発を実施している.その研究開発の一環として我々は,物理探査を用いた沿岸域海底下の調査評価手法の開発を行っている.本研究では,静岡県富士川河口浅海域の地下を対象とした三次元弾性波反射法探査の適用実験を実施した.その結果,当該地域地下構造を三次元的に捉えることができたので報告する. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | It is very important to know the subsurface structure and depositional environment from the coastal to the shallow sea region, when studying a groundwater flow. However, when we acquire geophysical survey data, since the data acquisition methods of both land and marine cannot successfully be applied for the data acquisition at the domain from the coastal to the shallow sea region, such regions are often left as blank of geophysical surveys. Therefore, we are investigating the geophysical survey methods appropriate for the survey beneath the coastal to the shallow sea region. We are also developing the evaluation method for such region. Therefore we carried out a seismic reflection survey for the purpose of imaging the subsurface of coastal to the shallow sea region of the mouth of the Fuji River, Shizuoka, and checked applicability of the technique. We carried out three-dimensional seismic reflection survey using an ocean bottom cable system. As a result, we could image three dimensional subsurface structure of the target area. |
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