講演要旨(和文) | 千葉県山武郡九十九里町の海浜沿いで反射法地震探査による長さ4.5kmの浅部地下構造調査を実施した.簡易データ処理による予備的なCMP重合時間断面を作成した.往復走時20ms〜30msに沖積層基底面と考えられる反射面が存在し,それ以深では250msまでの反射面を捉えた.地質図で示される位置に沖積層の谷地形は存在せず,沖積層基底は北に向かって約8m低下する. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | We conducted a shallow seismic reflection survey along a coastal line at the Kujukuri coastal plain (Magame Katakai area), Chiba Prefecture, east Japan, to reveal the shape of Alluvial base. A preliminary CMP stacked time section was created by simple data processing. In the seismic section, a strong and continuous reflector exists between 20ms and 30ms in two way time and it is considered as the Alluvial base. Other reflectors are detected down to 250ms. The Alluvial base does not show a buried valley shape and it deepens about 8m northward very gently inside the range of seismic line. |
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