社団法人 物理探査学会

経験的グリーン・テンソルの推定 −福井県で得られた強震記録を用いた試み−


To demonstrate the applicability of the empirical Green's tensor spatial derivative (EGTD) method for simulation of the near-field strong-ground motion records, we simulated the velocity waveforms between 0.2 and 1 Hz. In this report, we used the data obtained at the FKI007, one of the K-NET stations operated by the NIED from seven events (M3.7-4.2) in southern part of Fukui Prefecture. The agreement between the observed and calculated waveforms for all events is satisfactory over a long duration and there is a good match of the amplitude. To enhance the applicability of the EGTD method, further data accumulation and investigation should be key factors.