講演要旨(和文) | 平成26年11月22日に長野県北部でM6.7の地震が発生し,白馬村および小谷村で大きな被害が生じた.震源は糸魚川−静岡構造線断層帯北部の神城断層付近で,近藤ほか(2014),勝部ほか(2014)などにより地表地震断層が確認されている.今回,白馬村北部の塩島地区において,地表地震断層と地下構造の関係を明らかにすることを目的に反射法地震探査を実施した.当地域では,神城断層推定位置近傍およびその東方にて地表地震断層が確認されている.反射断面からは,地表地震断層の位置とほぼ対応して神城断層によるとみられる反射面の不連続が確認された. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | The earthquake, M6.7 occurred at northern part of Nagano prefecture on 22nd November, 2014. This earthquake have caused damages on Hakuba Village and Otari Village in Nagano central Japan. The hypocentral region is located along the Kamishiro fault near the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line. The surface ruptures caused by the earthquake were found mostly along the previously-mapped Kamishiro fault. The length of surface rupture is reported as 9km. Seismic reflection survey had been carried out in southern part of Hakuba previously. In this time, we carried out seismic reflection survey in northern part of Hakuba in order to reveal the relationship between the surface raptures and geological structure at depth. From the seismic section, discontinuity of reflector caused by the Kamishiro fault is coincident with surface rupture. |
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