社団法人 物理探査学会

地中レーダー及び高分解能音波探査による氷上からの湖底堆積物調査の概要 −北海道東部,風蓮湖における事例−


For the purpose of grasping a state of the fine grained sublacustrine sediments from the Furen River, We carried out high-resolution SBP and GPR investigations on the ice surface of Furen-ko lagoon in the winter, March 2014. Records of the length of 3.4km in total was provided and was able to compare the records of the GPR investigation with the plural acoustic reflectors on the SBP record sections. Furthermore, buried valley corresponding to a past riverbed was confirmed from GPR records on the Furen River. The exploration from the surface of ice is effective for the sediment investigation into in shallow lakes like the Furen-ko lagoon.