講演要旨(和文) | 津波災害等により浅層地下水が利用不能になった際に緊急に広域的な帯水層調査を実施可能な探査手法としてCSMT法に着目し,周波数高分解能処理により受信精度を高め,5ch入力の受信器2台により測定能率を高めたCSMTシステムを開発した.現地試験の結果,開発システムは千葉県白井市周辺のような市街地においても従来システムよりも精度の高いデータを得ることができ,同時多点受信により30点/日の探査能率を有することを確認した. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | When shallow groundwater cannot be used due to the tsunami disaster etc., deep groundwater as the alternative water source is needed. We paid attention to the CSMT method that was able to be received by the multipoint at the same time. Then, we developed the two receivers that improved measurement accuracy by waveform processing, and measurement efficiency by 5ch input. It was confirmed that the development system had the survey efficiency of 30 points per day by the site test in the southern part of Sendai plain. |
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