社団法人 物理探査学会


微動アレー観測により検出される表面波の位相速度は,S波速度構造の推定に大いに利用されているが,Rayleigh波に比べてLove波の位相速度の検知事例は非常に少ない.筆者らは前報において,高知市高須地区で得られた3成分の微動アレー観測記録に,周波数・波数スペクトル法(以下,FK法)および空間自己相関関数法(SPAC法)を適用し,Rayleigh波とLove波の位相速度を検出したことを報告した.今回は再解析の結果とともに,Two Radius法(TR法)によるRayleigh波とLove波の位相速度の算出も行ったので報告する.

In order to enhance the accuracy of the S-wave velocity structures, the Love-wave dispersive characteristics can play a significant role to constrain the model parameters. But examples of the Love-wave detection from microtremor array measurements have been found in very limited articles, compared with the Rayleigh-wave detection. In this study, we successfully detected phase velocities of Love-waves as well as those of Rayleigh-waves from microtremor array measurements at Takasu area in Kochi city. As we used eight seismometers simultaneously to compose two circular arrays with radii of 50 m and 100 m, we derived phase velocities of Love-waves and Rayleigh-waves from three different approaches: the frequency-wavenumber (FK) method, the spatial auto-correlation (SPAC) method, and the two radius (TR) method. Results from these three methods are reported and discussed.