SEGJ Technical Conference

Regional investigation of reservoir water at Kharga Oasis-Egypt, using three dimensional magnetotelluric modeling

Most of Egyptian population live along two banks of Nile River for daily life and other purposes. 90% of Egypt is a desert with little amount of rainfall. Groundwater is the only source in desert. Several oases including Kharga distributed in the Western desert of Egypt, which the groundwater is the main source of irrigation. Accordingly, in this study, we applied magnetotelluric (MT) soundings at great depths. We collected 13 broadband MT stations in two profiles within interval 1.5 km. Additionally, we used available boreholes information to evaluate the 3D subsurface structures containing Kharga Oasis Reservoir water (KOR). The MT results indicate a low resistivity layer, associated with KOR, was defined at depths 800-1000 m. and extend horizontally about 10 km.