SEGJ Technical Conference

Investigation of Geological Structure and Salinity of Groundwater at Tokusa-Jifuku Fault using the CSAMT survey

It is known that highly saline fluids spout out in spite of inland area in Japan. It is expected that the high salinity groundwater rises along facture zones, however, there are no data demonstrating it. The study area is located at Tokusa basin in the northeast part of Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. In the area the deep-seated fluid eruption from the boreholes is confirmed. The basin is consisted of the Late Cretaceous welded tuff, rhyolitic lava, and the Holocene sediments. We conducted the CSAMT survey in the 2km square area and the laboratory tests to measure the electrical properties of the rock samples collected from the site. As the results, we can interpret the analyzed resistivity sections as follows