SEGJ Technical Conference

On clarifying landfill properties such as metal-enriched zones using IP measurement.

Before the spread of recycling, solid wastes containing various kinds of metals had been disposed in landfills without intermediate treatment. Therefore, it is expected that metals are comparatively rich in such landfills. However, leachate from the landfill is less contains metals. So we have examined metal contents, changes of property, and movements of moisture in landfills. If valuable metal-enriched zones are identified, we may be able to use as stockpile resources. This attempt is useful when rare metals become scarcer in Japan.On the other hand, resistivity profile is effective for clarifying conditions in landfills. However, inhomogeneous conditions with landfills have disturbed the clear interpretation. We carried out electric survey which employ resistivity and induced polarization measurements in a landfill site in order to clarify resistivity and chargeability of landfills.In addition, we measured resistivity and chargeability of drilled core samples. Then both data of chargeability were compared.