SEGJ Technical Conference

Trial of Seismic Survey applied to the landslides zone in Aratozawa dam site on the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake(No. 2 Report)

In the southern part of focal region (45x15km, by JMA) of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (Mj=7.2), serious landslides occurred by its strong motion. Especially, Aratozawa Canyon in Kurihara city of Miyagi prefecture was collapsed by the biggest landslides with some 1400mX800m area and 140m cliff fall. At the same time, maximum 300m horizontal sliding in the young sedimentary layers below the surface is reported. The geology in this area is so much complicated due to the past (early-mid-Miocene) volcanic activity and quaternary volcanic ash and flow which is supplied from Mt. Kurikoma located in 10km NNW may have filled the Aratozawa Canyon forming the layered sediments sorted by water stream. After the first trial of the seismic method in the outside area of landslides, we planned to apply this method to the center of landslides zone to make clear the deeper geological structure in 2010 but the field operation was delayed up to the end of 2013 by various unexpected events including (The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake) Here we make No.2 Report on the preliminary results of the data.