社団法人 物理探査学会


経験的グリーン関数法は高周波数領域を評価できるメリットがある。しかし, 中小地震の記録を用いるために、強震時の地盤応答の非線形性の影響を考慮で きない欠点がある。本研究では、まず,既往の研究によって得られているたM7 程度の地震の断層モデルを用いて,経験的グリーン関数法によって強震観測点 での強震動波形を再現した。つぎに,実際に観測された強震記録と計算結果を 比較することによって,地盤の非線形性応答の有無と強震動波形の再現性の観 点での比較を行った。

Empirical Green's function method has been often used in strong motion estimation. In particular this method is advantageous in evaluation of high-frequency ground motion. Since this method is based on the use of records from small earthquakes, the effect of the non-linearity of response during strong ground motion is not included in the synthetic motion. In this study, we estimated strong ground motion for the Niigataken Chuetsuoki Earthquake in 2007 using the empirical Greens function method, and compared the synthetic motions with the observed ones to identify the effects of non-linear amplification of seismic waves in shallow soil. It is found that the observed peak ground acceleration at soft soil site in the strong shaking is different from those at hard soil site indicating the non-linear effects, while the peak values are similar at soil and hard soil sites in weak shaking.