社団法人 物理探査学会


符号分割多元接続(Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA)方式による多点同時通電電気探査に関して、実用性を評価するための現場実験を行った結果について報告する。CDMA方式による多点同時通電電気探査では、相互の共分散が0になるように符号化分割された通電波形を用いることで、複数の通電点で同時に電流を流して比抵抗を計測することが出来る。この特長により、計測作業効率の向上や、時間分解能の高い計測が可能となると考えている。本報ではこの手法についていくつかの現場実験を行い、計測の作業性や自然電位等に対するノイズ耐性などの実用性について評価した結果について報告する。

We have conducted field experiments for evaluating practical utility of a multiple transmission DC resistivity profiling using Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technique. In a resistivity profiling with plural current injection, it can be possible to inject current at multiple points simultaneously by using coded current waveforms among which covariance between mutual waveforms equal to zero. Multiple transmission resistivity profiling technique has a potential to make it possible very rapid measurement comparing to mono-transmission conventional resistivity profiling. In this paper, we have conducted some filed experiments for discussing workability and noise-robustness. The results of field experiments showed that efficiency of a multi-transmission resistivity measurement was quite high regarding to current duration time. We have found that erratic low-frequency noises affects a bad effect to result but it was able to be improved by processing of measured potential waveform.