講演要旨(和文) | 近年、世界的な金属資源の需要にともなって、海底熱水鉱床へ世界中からの注目が集まっている。電磁気学的探査を用いる手法は熱水鉱床探査に有効であると考えられる。 そこで我々は、熱水鉱床探査用の海底電気探査システムおよびCSEM探査システムを開発し、沖縄沖伊平屋北海域や伊豆小笠原ベヨネース海丘の熱水噴出域において試験探査を実施した。本稿ではこれらの試験探査で得られた解析結果を報告する。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | The recent growth of world-wide requirement of metals demands advanced explorations for finding metal mine and deposits. On the basis of the feasibility studies, we developed instruments for the marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) survey with autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) or remotely operated vehicle(ROV), on which a transmitter was attached. By using ROV, we could image shallow resistivity structure around a submarine massive sulfide (SMS) deposits located off Okinawa, southwest of Japan. The AUV-CSEM survey also gave us deeper sub-seafloor resistivity information around another SMS at the Izu-Bonin island arc, south of Japan. Here, we report the preliminary results of ROV and AUV surveys around the SMS, and demonstrate that our electromagnetic survey systems elucidate the conductive feature around the SMS deposits. |
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