講演要旨(和文) | 地震発生の際に路線上の揺れが大きく,鉄道施設や走行中の列車の安全性が懸念される場合には,鉄道事業者は可能な限り早く列車を停止させることとしている。その後に,徒歩巡回等により軌道や鉄道構造物の安全性が確認されれば,列車の運転が再開される。この安全確認では目視で軌道や構造物などに変状がないことを確かめるため多大な時間を要する場合があり,運転再開までのダウンタイムの短縮を図るには的確かつ効率的に安全確認を行う必要がある。そのためには対象路線沿線の地盤震動特性を精密に把握し,地震発生時に地震計位置以外の地震動を素早く正確に推定することが重要となる。本研究では,宮崎県中部沿岸部に位置する宮崎リニア実験線をモデル路線として,線状に連続したS波速度構造および地震動の推定を試みた。推定地震動と観測地震動の比較による精度検証を行った結果,本研究の推定手法の有効性が確認された。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | When the safety of railway facilities and running vehicles are threatened by the large shaking of ground motion along the railway during earthquakes, the railway operators stop trains as soon as possible. After the safety of trains operation is ensured by a cautious inspection patrol along the railway section, the trains operation is resumed. To confirm visually the damage of railway facilities and deformation of railway tracks in the inspection, it may take a lot of time. It is necessary to carry out the safety inspection more precisely and effectively, for shortening downtime of regular trains operation. Therefore to comprehend exactly the characteristics of earthquake ground motion along the target railway, the rapid estimation of the shaking is required strongly. In this study, we selected the Miyazaki maglev test line located in the middle coast of Miyazaki prefecture, as a target railway. We tried to estimate the continuous linear S-wave velocity structures and seismic motions on the Miyazaki maglev test line. And we confirmed the validity of the continuous linear S-wave velocity structures and the estimation of earthquake ground motions on the target railway, through the comparison to the observed earthquake ground motions. |
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