講演要旨(和文) | 筆者らは切羽前方探査技術であるトンネル浅層反射法探査(SSRT, Shallow Seismic Reflection survey for Tunnels)を開発し適用してきた.SSRTは人工震源をトンネル現場条件に合わせて選択でき,適用可能トンネルが限定されない探査手法であるが,探査工程の設定に制約を受ける.そこで筆者らは,トンネルの掘削発破で用いられる段発発破を震源とする探査手法を開発し,連続SSRT(SWE-SSRT, Seismic While Excavation using SSRT)と称し適用してきたが,連続SSRTでは数日間のデータ取得期間を要すことや,発破信号取得に失敗した場合は解析データとして使用できないといった課題がある.これらの課題を解消し,データ解析プロセスを単純化し迅速な切羽前方予測を目的として実施した,地震波干渉法による切羽前方探査について紹介する. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | We have developed SSRT (Shallow Seismic Reflection survey for Tunnels) to evaluate geological conditions ahead of the tunnel face. SSRT is considered one of the most conventional methods capable of using a variety of seismic sources. However, SSRT requires careful arrangement of the seismic sources and sensors, which causes interruptions to tunnel excavating work. Recently, we have achieved a further development of SSRT using tunnel excavation blast as a seismic source, called "SWE (Seismic While Excavation)-SSRT". SWE-SSRT only requires geophones and the recording system and does not interrupt tunnel excavating work. However, SWE-SSRT requires a few days of data acquisition period as well as requires a correct shot time for data analysis. In this abstract, we introduce to apply the seismic interferometry method using tunnel excavation blast for evaluating geological conditions ahead of the tunnel face. |
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