講演要旨(和文) | 我々は,石油/天然ガス,メタンハイドレートなどの海底地下資源の機動的な精密探査とモニタリング手法の開発のため,小型の水中音源の開発を進めてきた.本報告では,JOGMEC競争的公募研究経費により開発した,低周波帯域(<5kHz)の特性に優れた広帯域水中音源について報告する.新しい音源を用いた浅海域での実験の結果,(i) 5kHz圧電型素子を用いた円筒型音源(ITC-2003)に対し,延長共鳴管を装備することで,2k~10kHzまでの広帯域化を実現した.また,(ii) 高精度な刻時制御システムを用いた,海底に固定した音源と受波アレイによる繰り返し送受波実験の結果,安定的に地下を伝わる波相,あるいは時間変化する波相(例えば海面反射波)などの波形記録上の波相の識別に有効であることも確かめられた. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | We have been developing some portable acoustic transducers for a mobile and accurate exploration and monitoring of time lapse sub-ocean bottom reservoirs such as oil, gas and MH reservoirs. In this study, we report new broadband acoustic portable transducers which have larger power than the original cylindrical acoustic transducers (ITC-2003) in a lower frequency range than 5kHz funded by JOGMEC. The preliminary results of their experiment at the shallow sea bottom suggest that (i) it is successful to broaden the frequency bandwidth (i.e., 2k~10kHz) by extending a geometrical resonance length of a cylindrical acoustic transducers, and (ii) the observation at the sea bottom with accurately controlled timing systems of transmitter and data-logger is very useful to identify the stable and/or unstable seismic phases, that is, waves propagating in a underground and/or in a sea water. |
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