社団法人 物理探査学会

Tuning Effectがメタンハイドレート腑存層での地震波減衰値算出に与える影響(その2)-確率統計的な評価-


To clarify the attenuation properties in methane hydrate-bearing sediments, we estimated seismic attenuation from reflection seismic data acquired at Nankai Trough. We could observe high attenuation in methane hydrate-bearing sediments over the BSR region. This result may be due to tuning or thin-layering effect in inhomogeneously layered methane hydrate reservoir. In our previous study, both the seismic amplitude and the peak frequency are changed under tuning condition, and these results also influenced on the attenuation results. In this study, we carried out a seismic 1D forward modeling to see how thin-layering effect influences on seismic attenuation estimation. We simulated 500 realizations of randomly layered models for fixed MH/non-MH layers ratio.