社団法人 物理探査学会

被災堤防緊急対応のための3次元可視化ツール及び対策設計支援システムの開発 −研究開発の全体計画と2011年度成果の概要−


For effective design of a countermeasure for a damaged or potentially damaged river embankment, we are developing a design support system using a 3-D geophysical imaging of its interior. This system consists of a measurement system for 3-D geophysical visualization and a countermeasure design support system. For quick visualization of interior of a river embankment, we attempt to develop an integrated seismic and electric measuring system which can be smoothly moved on the river embankment using a sensor belt. The 3-D geophysical image measured is then used for visualization of hydraulic and mechanical properties of the embankment for supporting a countermeasure design. This is a three-year research project. In the year of 2011 as the first year, we devised a prototype of a measuring system to evaluate its feasibility and summarize what functions the system should have as a countermeasure design support system by literature study on damaged rivers and their countermeasures in the past.