SEGJ Technical Conference

Development of time domain electromagnetic measuring system for the seabed resources

Electromagnetic methods are among the key technologies for the land mineral exploration, and we are developing the same technologies to apply to the ocean bed measurement for the estimation of the size and quality of the deposits. We have introduced new time domain EM methods for the ocean bottom measurements and two types of the systems, (1)moving type and (2)fixed system are applied to the survey at the Hakurei site, Bayonnase knoll, on Aug. 2012. New MI (magneto-impedance) sensors are developed and introduced for the test survey. The moving type system was installed on the ROV (Hyper dolphin), around which the transmitting coil was winded and currents of 100A were applied. The fixed type system was carried to the measurement station by the manipulator of the ROV. The reasonably stable data were obtained through the fixed type system, but serious noise due to the pitch and roll of the ROV caused by the motion of the mothership propagated through the cable. Several rock and mineral samples were collected from the area for the electrical and chemical analysis.