SEGJ 126th (2012 Spring) Meeting
Guide for Technical Session
1. General Information on Oral Presentations
2. Special Information for Users of a PC prepared by the Committe
- The allotted time for each contributed paper is 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for discussion and change over.
- Speakers can use one LCD projector (XGA-size) equipped with a note PC prepared by the Committee in each room.
- Speakers can use his/her own PC to be connected to the LCD projector using a switching box. Compatibility between the PC and the projector should be checked before the session.
3. General Information on Poster Presentations
- Users of a PC prepared by the Committee are requested to bring their Microsoft PowerPoint file by CD (ISO9660/XA is recommended) or USB memory and install them onto the PC by themselves in advance before the session
- The Committee-provided note PC is equipped with Celeron 585, 2.16GHz, a-DVD drive, USB ports, Windows XP Professional and MS PowerPoint 2007. Video graphics, animation and link of other computer programs are not guaranteed on the provided PC.
- One numbered poster board will be allocated for each poster paper in the poster area. The dimension of the poster board is 180 cm wide and 120 cm high. Materials needed for attaching posters to poster boards are available at the registration desk.
- Display time: Posters can be shown from 10:20 Tuesday, May 29 till 14:00 Thursday, May 31, 2012.
- Authors are required to be in attendance at their posters during the Core Time: from 17:00 till 18:30 on Wednesday, May 29 .
- During the core time, each poster author will give a 5 minutes explanation of the poster, following the guide by the chairperson.
Cancellation and NO SHOW
- If you wish to cancel your enrollment for any reason, you must e-mail or telephone to the SEGJ conference committee. The SEGJ conference committee's e-mail adress and phone number are written at the Confirmation Letter send by the SEGJ conference committee after the enrollment
- If you fail to cancel your enrollment without notice, SEGJ conference committee may penalize you not to present to the any SEGJ confernces or Symposiums for one year.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
MK5 Bldg., HigashiKanda 1-5-6, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, 101-0031 Japan
Phone: +81-3-6804-7500, FAX:+81-3-5829-8050