SEGJ Technical Conference

Electric and magnetic properties of the sea-floor hydrothermal ore deposits for the marine EM explorations

Electric and Electromagnetic exploration technologies are prevailing for the onshore mineral deposits due to the significant differences of the electric properties. The electric and magnetic properties such as resistivities, chargeabilities and magnetic susceptibilities of the ocean bottom samples from Bayonnaise Knoll and Izena Cauldron are measured and analyzed using XRD, XRF and ICP-MS. Mineral compositions are determined also with visual and reflecting microscope observations. The resistivity values from the Izena samples range from 0.1 to several ohm-ms, while those from Bayonnaise range from 1 to several 10s of ohm-ms, while chargeability values are found to be high for those two areas. The results of our resistivity measurements show good agreements with the mineral composition obtained from the XRD analysis and the differences between those 2 areas can be explained. From the results of ICP-MS analysis, Au and Ag contents are practically no differences between Bayonnaise Knoll and Izena Cauldron, but associate with Zn and Pb. The water tank experiments using the seabed mineral samples showed high chargeability values in the conducting environments. The magnetic susceptibilities of the ore samples from Izena Cauldron are higher than those from Bayonnaise Knoll, and proportional to the Fe contents.