SEGJ Technical Conference

Electromagnetic survey around the seafloor massive sulfide using autonomous underwater vehicle

The recent growth of world-wide requirement of metals demands advanced explorations for finding metal mine and deposits. The feasibility studies demonstrated that the electromagnetic responses are very sensitive to the conductive layer simulating the submarine massive sulfide (SMS) deposits, which is buried at the depth of several tens meters. On the basis of the results, we developed instruments for the marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) survey with autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), on which a transmitter was attached. For the real field test, R/V Yokosuka and AUV Urashima were used. The target region is a real deep-sea mine at the Izu-Bonin island arc, south of Japan. As a result, we succeed in the test experiment. Here, we report the preliminary result of AUV-CSEM survey around the SMS.