SEGJ Technical Conference

Resistivity monitoring in the disaster area by tunami in the southern part of Sendai Plain

The visualization of the groundwater quality change using the resistivity monitoring was tried in the utilization area of shallow groundwater in the tsunami disaster area caused by the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake. On the investigation first time in July, 2011, the low resistivity thin layer presumed infiltrating salt water was admitted in the vicinity of the groundwater level. The resistivity of the deeper part from the groundwater level decreased though this thin layer disappeared in October, 2011. The resistivity increased remarkably above the groundwater level in February and March, 2012. This is thought to be an interaction of the saturation decrease, the soil temperature decrease, and the salinity decrease. The resistivity increase was admitted under the groundwater level, and it was thought the symptom of the water quality recovery. However, the resistivity of groundwater did not show a plain increasing trend in the observation well around the survey line. It is thought that time is still required for the groundwater quality recovery to the state before the earthquake.