社団法人 物理探査学会



The purpose of this study is to understand the underground resistivity structure over the south region of Akita prefecture, and moreover to understand the obvious relations among the resistivity structure, seismic activity, and geology. We conducted observation along east-west lines. As a result of 2-D analysis, the followings have been understood. (1) A part shallower than 5km underground in the west part of survey lines show low resistivity because of the influence of the faults and folds. (2) The lower part of the upper crust shows low resistivity, and exists at the depth of 10km to 20km. (3) The lower crust shows high resistivity and exists at the depth of 10km to 25km. (4) The upper mantle shows low resistivity and its upper boundary exists at about the depth of c.a. 30km on the inland side and at the depth of c.a. 25km on the Sea of Japan side. (5) Seismic activities occur often at resistivity boundary and high resistivity part, however some activities are found even in low resistivity part.