講演要旨(和文) | 海陸境界域を含む国内陸域における反射法による深部地殻構造のイメージングに関して、同一測線内の複数の探査対象及び深度に見合った、低重合広角反射法、広域屈折法及び稠密展開反射法の同時取得、海域着底ケーブルを中心とした多成分データ取得によるマルチスケール・マルチモード型探査の有効性について検証した。また、従来型の反射法重合解析のみでは限界があった深部地殻構造プロファイリングについて、屈折法と広角反射法データの併用による速度推定精度の高精度化を通じた、堆積盆地から上部地殻に至る深部構造に関わる解析手法を提案する。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | The deep geometry of active faults and the mid-crustal detachment at the base of seismogenic layer is important for understanding active tectonic process and accessing the risk of destructive earthquakes. We investigated that multi-scale and multi-mode acquisition layout can be realized by the simultaneous data acquisition of regional refraction, low-fold wide-angle reflection and standard reflection survey for the several targets on the same seismic line optimized by the integration of different seismic sources and supplementary three-component digital accelerometers with broader frequency responses. The combination of telemetry and independent recording system provides the deployment of 100-200km long survey line across the area of land-marine transition zones with dense seismic array. In order to build the detailed basin-scale geophysical model, we developed a processing workflow based on the combined tomographic analysis of refraction, P-P and P-S reflection profile. Multi-component seismic reflection data using ocean-bottom cable with 4C MEMS sensors has presented imaging capabilities in P-S wave reflection profiling and Vp/Vs estimation for the delineation of volcanic stratigraphy in our study. |
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