SEGJ Technical Conference

A case study of seismic reflection survey using MEMS sensor in Yunotake-Fujiwara fault zone, Iwaki-shi

The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake recorded Magnitude 9.0, and many aftershocks were observed in eastern Japan. We have done a seismic survey using MEMS sensor around Yunotake-Fujiwara fault zone, Iwaki-shi, in Fukushima prefecture. In the survey, we observed conventional seismic reflection data with a 1.8km survey line with 10m receiver intervals and aftershocks of Tohoku Earthquake for 8 days. For imaging of an underground structure around the fault zone, conventional CMP stack applied with a seismic reflection method. The domain with a frequency of 10 Hz or less excels in the amplitude spectrum of aftershocks, therefore it is effective that MEMS sensor apply to earthquake observation.