社団法人 物理探査学会



We have done a research about an integrated approach using various geophysical techniques for active fault investigations in multiple scale under the research contract with the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES). It is expected that the application of various geophysical techniques can delineate images of active fault on multiple scale, from shallow to deep, and in various physical views. This is a subsequent report in the FY2010. We applied seismic reflection methods at Site 1 and Site 2 of the Kushibiki fault, Saitama Prefecture. At Site 1, unconformities and northeast dipping reflector are clearly imaged ten meter to hundred meter deep in the P wave section and they are also perceived on the shallower S wave section. At Site 2, continuous reflectors are poor in the shallower part of the P wave section, but several coherent events can be interpreted in the S wave section by comparison with arrayed borehole survey and trench survey.