講演要旨(和文) | 二酸化炭素排出問題に関して森林バイオマスの評価が必要であり、これまで衛星SARを利用した森林のバイオマス計測が研究されてきた。樹根には、地表部に匹敵するバイオマスがあると指摘されながらこれまで正確な計測手法が無かった。樹木の根に蓄積されるバイオマスを見積もるためには樹根の形状を計測する必要があるが、従来、非開削で推定することは難しかった。地中レーダは電磁波を入射して、地下物体からの反射波を取得する地下計測方法であり、地下構造を非開削かつ高精度に可視化する方法として埋設管検知や地雷検知などに利用されている。地中レーダを利用した樹根の計測は既に提案されているが、精度の高い計測は従来法では困難であった。本研究では、高精度な測距システムと地中レーダを組み合わせて地中の3次元樹根計測を行いバイオマスの推定を試みる。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | A lot of effort has been made to lower the amount of carbondioxide in the atmosphere. Most of the carbon is actually stored in the tree roots. So it is important to estimate the tree root biomass accurately. Conventional methods for the estimation of tree root biomass almost all include actually excavating tree roots. Although this method is obviously highly accurate, these conventional methods also have major disadvantages. Inherent to excavating the tree roots are the destructive and labour intensive nature of these methods. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) can be a solution in this case, since it provides a non-destructive and fairly easy to use method to detect the tree roots. We developed a GPR system with Miami University that works with at high accuracy positioning system. This GPR system, which we refer as 3DGPR, can measure the position with millimeter accuracy. By using this advanced GPR system, 3D images of subsurface can be obtained clearly. We tested this system for tree roots measurement, and we could demonstrate that it can be detected with this system. By using the system, in this study, we try to estimate the biomass of tree roots quantitatively by measuring the volume of the tree roots. |
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