講演要旨(和文) | 井原鑓溝王墓の再発見を目的として,井原地区において地中レーダによる遺跡探査を実施した.その結果、深さ0.2mから0.3mの範囲に水路跡と思われる直線状のアノマリーが検出できた。さらに0.3mから0.4mの範囲には、甕棺またはその他の遺物と考えられる強い反射応答を検出することができた。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | The Mikumo-Iwara ruins are famous for their historical importance. The area of Mikumo-Iwara ruins is considered the capital of ancient kingdom " Itokoku" that was described in Chinese history text "Gishiwajinden". There are three important ruins named Hirabaru ruin, Mikumo-Minamishoji ruin and Iwara-Yarimizo ruin. The exact location of Iwara-Yarimizo ruin that was previously discovered during Edo Period remains unknown. In order to rediscover the Iwara-Yarimizo ruin, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was carried out. We describe the results of GPR survey at Iwara-Yarimizo area in this paper. |
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