講演要旨(和文) | 近年,海底熱水鉱床が再注目されているが,その賦存量を正確に見積ることは困難である.そこで我々は,海底下の構造を高精度に推定するために,2008年よりAUVやROV,深海曳航体を用いた新しい磁気・電気探査システムの開発に取り組んでいる.これまでに各システムの試作機を製作し,試験と改良を重ねてきた.磁気探査システムについては,2010年,望星丸航海でチタン製曳航フレームに,YK10-17航海でAUV「うらしま」に搭載して,ベヨネース海丘域で実践的な試験を実施した.その結果,AUVおよび深海曳航体を用いた地磁気3成分・全磁力の測定に成功し,白嶺鉱床域の詳細な磁気異常データを得ることができた.今後は,測定精度の向上,海中測位・通信機能の追加,3次元磁化構造解析技術の開発などを行い,実用的なシステムの構築する予定である.また解析精度を高めるためには,3次元的にデータ分布を増やすことが必要である. |
| 講演要旨(英文) | Seabed resources like seafloor hydrothermal deposits have recently again attracted much attention. It is, however, difficult to estimate accurate abundance of those resources. From such a standpoint, we have been developing new electrical and magnetic exploration systems by using AUV, ROV, and a deep-tow system in order to estimate detailed structures of the seafloor since 2008. We have made each device of magnetic and electrical exploration systems on an experimental basis, and have tested and improved that. In 2010, the magnetic exploration system was tested practically in the Bayonnaise Knoll area both using a titanium towing frame during the R/V Bosei-maru cruise and using AUV "Urashima" during the R/V Yokosuka cruise. From these tests, we have succeeded in measuring three components and total intensity of the geomagnetic field, and have obtained detailed magnetic anomaly in the Hakurei deposit area. In the future, we will improve the accuracy of the measurement, add a positioning and data-communication system for the deep-tow system, develop an analysis method of 3D magnetic structures, etc., to construct the practical magnetic exploration system. We will also need to increase data density in order to obtain the precise structures. Note that this study has been supported by MEXT. |
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