講演要旨(和文) | 我々は岩手・宮城内陸地震(2008年6月)で発生した地滑りで埋没した車両の捜索を金属探知機とRTK-GPS(高精度なGPS)を組み合わせた画像化システムによって2009年8月に実施した.最大斜度45度,幅50m長さ150m以上の斜面で捜索を行い,3次元的な金属探知機の反応図面を作成し,車両が埋没している可能性のある地点を3ヶ所特定した.2010年8月、宮城県は捜索結果に基づき、掘削作業を行った。特定した3地点からは、ガードロープ用の金属製支柱や、斜面に土留め用コンクリートに含まれる鉄筋などが見つかったが、土砂は2m程度の厚みで予想より薄く、この地点から車両の発見はできなかった。しかし本システムの利用により,コンクリートに含まれる鉄筋などが多く分布する状態でも,埋没金属の形状判断がある程度行えることから,鉄筋や金網と埋没車両を識別ができ、土砂災害に対する有効な検知手段を提示した。 |
| 講演要旨(英文) | 17 people were killed and 6 people are still missing by the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake occurred in June 2008. Most of the disaster were caused by landslides in mountain side in Miyagi prefecture, North Japan. In order to detect automobiles buried in deep soil, we developed a system combining a metal detector-EMI sensors- for UXO detection with RTK-GPS, which can visualize the metal detector response. Due to the high accuracy of the positioning by RTK-GPS, 3D visualization of the metal detector response on the steep slope of 50m in width by 150m in height at maximum 45 degree was obtained. We found that we can roughly identify the shape of the buried metal objects, and therefore we could discriminate larger objects from metal fragments such as reinforcement bars in concrete blocks. We identified three possible points where cars can be buried in that area. This area was excavated in August 2010. We found that the sided soil is not thicker than 2m, and automobiles may not be buried in this area. We found metallic poles used for guard of roads are found in the positions that our survey has determined by EMI sensors. |
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