社団法人 物理探査学会

震源が偏在する自然地震記録からの干渉法による反射波抽出 -停留震源に基づいた受振器選択-


Seismic interferometry retrieves wavefield from existing wavefield using crosscorrelation. This theory requires homogeneously-distributed sources along enclosed surface. However in the case of application for natural earthquake sources, these circumstances are hardly met. Stationary phase approximation of seismic interferometry reveals that the source localization introduces non-physical events and only a part of resultant wavefield has physical events which are predicted by stationary sources. We propose a method to select the combination of receivers to be crosscorrelated by stationary phase evaluation. In this method, we evaluate stationary phase by geometrically-calculated raypath. We demonstrate the possibility of this method that enables us to remove useless information and improve imaging results.