社団法人 物理探査学会


本研究は,赤外線センシングの利点を地雷探査に応用して,探査・除去作業に関わる危険を低減する技術の可能性について,実験と数値シミュレーションの観点から探査に付随するメカニズムや土壌含水率の影響について考察を加えたものである.その結果, 土壌含水率に関する一次近似式,非定常一次元拡散方程式,非定常三次元拡散方程式を利用しながら土壌含水率が熱物性値に及ぼす影響を考慮した数値シミュレーションでは,土壌含水率を考慮しないもの(固定した数値シミュレーション)に比べて実験値の再現性が大きく向上していることが明確になった.すなわち,赤外線地雷探査では,土壌含水率が探査能に大きく左右するものと結論付けられた.

In this paper, the applicability of a technology with using infrared sensing was elucidated for mine exploration, where it is comparatively easy to specify the surface emissivity. It is very important to avoid the danger pertaining to mine exploration as much as possible by using an appropriate nondestructive testing method. From the viewpoints of empirical investigation and numerical simulation with an appropriate mathematical model, the exploration mechanism, the exploration limit, various factors which accompany the mine exploration are examined systematically. As a result, the following facts are found. It is clarified that the numerical simulation considered the effect of water content ratio on thermo-physical quantities have a great improvement in reproducibility of the experimental value, compared with the numerical simulation without considering water content ratio. We say that the water content have a great influence in infrared mine exploration except for the influence factors which was informed in previous report.